TMGT607 Business Consulting Project

TMGT607 Business Consulting Project
 Campus: South Eveleigh, NSW 2015
 Units of Credit: 6
 Prerequisite or Corequisite:Students must have successfully completed 8 MBA units
 EFTSL*: 0.125
 Indicative Contact Hours per Week: 4
 Tuition Fee See Tuition Fee Schedule
 Application Date: See Key Dates
 Unit Overview:
This unit requires students to engage with content and processes to strengthen three key skill areas. Students will be required to apply knowledge, critically evaluate and use information, and reflect on their own development with a view to their future careers.a) The application of accumulated knowledge gained in course (weeks 1-8]
Students will be required to demonstrate consolidated knowledge gained through the MBA course and to develop their capacity to deploy this learning in identifying relevant approaches to the resolution of business problems using a consulting framework.b) Critical evaluation of organisational data (weeks 6-12)
Drawing on their skills developed in previous units, students will acquire new knowledge and skills related to business consulting. Specifically, this element requires students to apply academic research skills to research projects carried out in practice within a business consulting environment. Students will engage with the consultancy cycle involving the elements of entering the consulting environment, problem diagnosis, design issues related to the consulting assignment, solution delivery, iterative reviewing and disengagement from the consulting environment.c) Personal reflection and career development (weeks 1-12)
Students will reflect on their own development in the MBA and their career plans as preparation for a transition to the workplace. Students are expected to reflect on their (i) enhanced self-awareness, (ii) interpersonal effectiveness by working in teams, (iii) capacity to influence and learn from others, (iv) abilities related to managing conflict, and (v) interpersonal communication and presentation skills. To assist students to develop their reflective learning skills – most crucially, the habit of proactive reflection – students will keep a Reflective Learning Log throughout this unit.

 *EFTSL = Equivalent full-time study load

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