TLGS601 Global Logistics & Supply Chain Management

TLGS601 Global Logistics & Supply Chain Management
 Campus: Australian Technology Park, Eveleigh, NSW 2015
 Units of Credit: 6
 Prerequisite or Corequisite:TECO602/TECO603 Economic Environment of Business MBA Prerequisite: Successfully complete 6 units from the first 2 terms
 EFTSL*: 0.125
 Indicative Contact Hours per Week: 3
 Tuition Fee See Tuition Fee Schedule
 Application Date: See Key Dates
 Unit Overview:
This subject introduces the core principles and concepts of operations and supply chain management in a global context. It emphasizes the diversity of management processes available to operations and supply chain managers, and their strategic application to meet the competitive priorities of the firm. Students are expected to use their knowledge to develop and argue options for addressing contemporary problems in local and global business operations, defend their position in terms of the balance between resource utilization and customer satisfaction, and provide a critical perspective on integration of the main elements in supply and value chains. Major topics include value creation, supply chain strategy, business processes, capacity and demand, quality, logistics, inventory, lean production, projects, and special challenges associated with managing services. 
Assumed Knowledge.
 *EFTSL = Equivalent full-time study load


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