TCYS103 Technology, Society and Ethics 

TCYS103 Technology, Society and Ethics 
 Campus: South Eveleigh, NSW 2015
 Units of Credit: 6
 Prerequisite or Corequisite:N/A
 EFTSL*: 0.125
 Indicative Contact Hours per Week: 4
 Tuition Fee See Tuition Fee Schedule
 Application Date: See Key Dates
 Unit Overview:
This unit examines the social, ethical and professional issues that arise from the use of technology as well as the role of professionals in the ICT space with regard to ethical behaviour, personal and professional values, ICT governance, managing ICT services ethically and the role of ICT professionals in society. The unit introduces ethical frameworks and philosophies and the ethical dilemmas that are often faced by the professions and interprets them in the context of information technology. It engages with the types of ethical problems that are associated with the work of an ICT professional, the role of technology in improving social inclusion and also the ethical challenges that technology creates for society. The unit emphasises the special ethical issues that relate to the collection, management and use of data and the role of technology professionals in ensuring fair, equitable, ethical and legal frameworks are adhered to and that ICT services are managed ethically.The unit examines ICT ethics as well as the ethical impacts of ICT. It looks at the role of the accounting professional in both a technology and an accounting ethical context. Additionally, it examines the ethics of accounting processes and the personal code of ethics as part of the profession.

 *EFTSL = Equivalent full-time study load



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