TACC203 Financial Accounting and Reporting

TACC203 Financial Accounting and Reporting
 Campus:Australian Technology Park, Eveleigh, NSW 2015
 Units of Credit:6
 Prerequisite or Corequisite: Prerequisite: TACC101 and TACC102
 EFTSL*: 0.125
 Indicative Contact Hours per Week: 4 
 Tuition Fee See Tuition Fee Schedule
 Application Date: See Key Dates
 Unit Overview:
This unit examines the framework and techniques that are used to prepare general-purpose financial reports for companies. This unit builds on Accounting 1A and 1B and further discusses the recognition and measurement of financial statement elements and accounting. Through the discussion of a number of key corporate accounting issues, this unit provides students with the technical accounting knowledge to prepare or use company financial statements. It also helps students develop capabilities on further analysis and communication skills using a range of technical materials.

 *EFTSL = Equivalent full-time study load

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