Student Safety and Wellbeing

At IMC, the safety of our students and staff is paramount. That is why we aim to provide students with a safe, healthy friendly environment where students feel safe and welcome. However, it is always important to be aware of potential dangers and risks whilst travelling in and around Sydney. While Australia is generally a safe place to live and study, it is still important that students take precautions to reduce the chance of an incident occurring. This is particularly important for when you first arrive and are adjusting to your new life away from home.

Health and Safety Emergency Services 

  • On-campus security can be contacted in case of an emergency on 02 9209 4666.
  • If there is a life-threatening emergency, you should still call 000 (Police, Fire and Ambulance) even if you are at school or on campus 

Available 24/7 Counselling and Mental Health: 

  • Lifeline 131114 – For crisis support and suicide prevention
  • Mental Health Line 1800 011 511
  • Suicide Call Back Service 1300 659 467  

Tips for personal safety 

  • Always plan your trip home, especially at night.
  • Try to travel with a friend or in a group.
  • Keep your bag and belongings close to your body and where you can always see them.
  • Never hitchhike.
  • Where available, use pedestrian walkways and cross the street at pedestrian crossings or lights.  

Tips for catching Public transport

  • Avoid isolated bus, rail and tram stops.
  • Check transport timetables to avoid long waits, particularly at night.
  • Train carriages nearest to the driver or guard are lit and safest at night.
  • If you find yourself left in a train carriage on your own, you may feel more comfortable moving to another carriage. 

Tips for catching a Taxis in Australia 

  • Sit wherever you feel most comfortable.
  • Always ensure you know the address of your destination before getting into a taxi.
  • Tell the driver the route you would like to take.
  • Don’t be afraid to speak up if the driver takes you a different route.
  • If you don’t want the driver to know exactly where you live, get them to drop you off a short distance away. 

Tips for home safety 

  • Always keep your doors locked – both when you are home and when you go out.
  • Lock windows when you go out, or in rooms you are not in while at home.
  • Do not let strangers into your house.
  • Be careful of the information you give out to strangers through social media.
  • Smoke alarms will alert you to smoke on the property, so don’t remove the batteries or tamper with them.
  • If you come home to find evidence of a break-in, contact the police immediately. 

Safety for currencies change 

  • Only exchange currencies at licensed business and do not arrange exchanges via any social media applications.
  • If you think you have been scammed, there are steps you can take straight away to limit the damage and protect yourself from further loss.
  • Contact your financial institution, contact your local consumer protection agency, talk to someone you trust, or seek counselling services for support.  

Tips for Cyber Safety 

  • Learn to identify scams/potential risks online.
  • Be alert of scams, such as fake parcel delivery scams, shopping scams and investment scams.
  • Protect your personal information.
  • Say no to cyber bullying! 

If you think you are the victim of cyber bullying, please talk to our student services team via for further advice. If you witness cyber bullying, please help IMC to promote a safe online environment for its student and staff and assist the victim where possible. IMC encourages you to report such behaviour to so that we may respond appropriately



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