DAC700 Applied Statistics

DAC700 Applied statistics
 Campus: Australian Technology Park, Eveleigh, NSW 2015
 Units of Credit: 6
 Prerequisite or Corequisite: There are no prerequisites for this subject. 
 EFTSL*: 0.125
 Indicative Contact Hours per Week: 3
 Tuition Fee See Tuition Fee Schedule
 Application Date: See Key Dates
 Unit Overview:
This unit provides an overview of statistical concepts and tools to enable data collection and the use of statistics. It examines the methods of collecting, analysing and visually describing data as well as the main probability theories that underpin statistical methods. It covers discrete probability distributions, continuous probability distributions and sampling. It also analyses, compares and contrasts one-sample hypothesis tests, two-sample hypothesis tests and chi-square tests for statistical analysis. The unit also covers nonparametric tests, the management of quality management in statistical work and utilises simulation models. It provides the students with the opportunity to apply statistics to information technology problems to enable making decisions that are supported by professional considerations.

 *EFTSL = Equivalent full-time study load

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