TLLB105 Contract Law

TLLB105 Contract Law
Campus:Eveleigh, NSW 2015
Units of Credit:6
Pre-requisite or Co-requisite:Pre-requisite: TLLB101 Legal Process, TLLB102 Legal Method
Indicative Contact Hours per Week:4
Tuition FeeSee Tuition Fee Schedule
Application Date:See Key Dates
Unit Overview:
This unit introduces students to the fundamental legal principles relating to the law of contract — principles which will serve as crucial building blocks not only for the rest of their legal studies at Top but also in their future careers. Students will be able not only to find, understand and recite specific statutory and case law principles of contract law but also to apply the law to the kinds of commercial situations they will encounter in the business world every day.The topics considered in this unit are:the reaching of an agreementcertainty and intention to be boundthe nature and function of considerationprivity of contractassignmentstatutory writing formalities in relation to contractsan introduction to estoppelpart performancethe construction of contractsincapacity and illegalityvitiating factors such as misrepresentation, misleading and deceptive conduct, mistake, duress, undue influence and unconscionabilitydischarge of a contract by performance or agreementrepudiation and anticipatory breach of contracttermination for breach of contractfrustration; andremedies for breach of contract

*EFTSL = Equivalent full-time study load

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