TLLB104 Criminal Law & Procedure

TLLB104 Criminal Law & Procedure
Campus:Eveleigh, NSW 2015
Units of Credit:6
Pre-requisite or Co-requisite:Pre-requisite: TLLB101 Legal Process, TLLB102 Legal Method
Indicative Contact Hours per Week:4
Tuition FeeSee Tuition Fee Schedule
Application Date:See Key Dates
Unit Overview:
This unit deals with Criminal Law and Procedure. Students will be introduced to the doctrines and rules that define the conditions of criminal liability and some aspects of procedural criminal law. The topics covered in the unit include: the nature of crime; the doctrines of mens rea and actus reus; burden of proof; strict liability; offences against the person; property offences; complicity and criminal defences. The unit then focuses on dealings with Criminal Procedure. Topics include arrest, bail, police interrogation, the right to silence, types of evidence and the thresholds to the admissibility of evidence including relevance, hearsay, opinion, credibility, character, tendency and coincidence, discretionary exclusions, directions and warnings. Students will examine the law reform processes that underpin the rules in NSW and federal courts and study the interpretation of these rules in judicial decisions.

*EFTSL = Equivalent full-time study load

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