TLE0033 Anti-Discrimination Law

TLE0033 Anti-Discrimination Law
Campus:Eveleigh, NSW 2015
Units of Credit:6
Pre-requisite or Co-requisite:Pre-requisite: TLLB101 Legal Process, TLLB102 Legal Method, TLLB106 Introduction to Public Law
Indicative Contact Hours per Week:3
Tuition FeeSee Tuition Fee Schedule
Application Date:See Key Dates
Unit Overview:
This unit primarily deals with the study of federal and NSW anti-discrimination laws with a particular emphasis on discrimination on the grounds of race, sex, disability and age. The aim of the course is to impart an understanding of the fundamentals of a complex statutory scheme by means of a detailed analysis of statutes and case law interpreting those statutes, as well as the procedure for bringing complaints of unlawful discrimination, harassment and vilification and remedies available to successful complainants.

*EFTSL = Equivalent full-time study load

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