TLE0028 Refugee Law & Policy

TLE0028 Refugee Law & Policy
Campus:Eveleigh, NSW 2015
Units of Credit:6
Pre-requisite or Co-requisite:Pre-requisites: TLLB101 Legal Process, TLLB102 Legal Method, TLLB106 Introduction to Public Law
Co-requisite: TLLB414 Constitutional Law, TLLB415 Administrative Law
Indicative Contact Hours per Week:3
Tuition FeeSee Tuition Fee Schedule
Application Date:See Key Dates
Unit Overview:
The question of refugees and the settlement of asylum seekers in Australia is one the most contentious issues in modern day Australia. This subject examines the main legal issues in refugee protection both within Australia and internationally with a focus on the 1951 Convention Relating to the Status of Refugees (The Refugees Convention) and the 1967 Protocol and relevant Australian legislation. The subject is in three parts. Part 1 examines the central elements of the Refugees Convention and its application in Australian domestic Law against a background of the general principles concerning Australia’s international obligations. Part 2 deals with the Migration Act 1958 and examines the requirements and procedures for applying for humanitarian migration visas in general. Part 3 looks at the operation of the laws’ procedures and regulations in practice by examining specific cases and decisions of the courts and relevant tribunals. Students will be required to take simulation exercises to demonstrate familiarity with specific protection visa categories.

*EFTSL = Equivalent full-time study load



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